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I ,Yogesh Yadav, welcome you to the ACMT Group of Colleges

We welcome you as the future world leaders and valuable folks of the world, I would like to emphasize on our mission statement of polishing youth and as the pillar of advancement of a nation and hope of the future. Whenever I was asked to utter a few words on education, the following quote always came to my mind “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”. Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. We at ACMT Group of Colleges have structured an effective and holistic education system in a way that prepares the students to be an effective and efficient workforce and make the best use of the opportunities that the industry sends their way. The curriculum of the various colleges under the Mind Power Education Society are designed to keep pace with the ever evolving and dynamic trends and challenges of the industry today.